Bamidele O. Shangobunmi

Work samples

ePeople, Inc., 11/03 - 3/04

ePeople's flagship product was a collaborative support incident resolution platform. Their application was, for example, a key layer in Cisco's worldwide distributed customer support network. I was charged with redesigning the application's front-end and leading the UI work for new feature development.

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A redesign concept for the application main page (see the original) dramatically increasing information density as specifically requested by our users.

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A redesigned "Create new request" screen that followed modern UI standards, based on a derivative of Microsoft's interface guidelines. Compare to the original design.

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Here is a search results table (see the original) that's been completely reworked, showing now more data in the same amount of space, and presenting it in a form far more scannable and usable for the target power users

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A "manage request" redesign concept. The previous design used two to three screens to display this same amount of information, with some redundant features and all information modules stacked vertically.


A new dynamically-generated button design was carefully developed to be deployed via a back-end Java component.

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